Russia’s interchanges controller Roskomnadzor had cautioned that Telegram would be blocked in the event that it didn’t follow new information laws.
Originator Pavel Durov said the organization would be enrolled on the administration’s rundown of data wholesalers.
Be that as it may, he demanded Telegram would not share private client information.
Wire gives individuals a chance to send encoded messages, which can’t be perused by crooks or law implementation if caught.
It has around 100 million clients, but on the other hand is believed to be well known with the purported Islamic State (IS) gathering and its supporters.
Russia is presenting new information laws that require “data circulation coordinators” to enlist with the controller and store clients’ information for six months.
Organizations should likewise hand over their encryption keys when asked, yet pundits say the necessities, which come into drive in 2018, are unfeasible.
Wire had already declined to enlist, since it would not like to trade off the protection of its clients, six million of whom are in Russia.
In any case, on Wednesday the organization affirmed it had presented its enrollment data to the specialists.
“We’ve no issue with conventions,” composed Mr Durov on Twitter.
“Be that as it may, not a solitary byte of private information will ever be imparted to any legislature.”
Developing his remarks, Mr Durov told the Financial Times daily paper: “We would not like to allow the specialists to square Telegram under a guise of not giving rubbish information like the name of our organization.
“In the event that will square us, they’ll need to do it for a genuine reason.”