Cost of living when studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea

Studying abroad in Seoul can be a wonderful experience of your life. It is the coolest city you can ever live in. But what about expenses? Whether it would be affordable or costly? Confused????? Chill.. stay tuned with this article to solve this mystery.


A fleeting look on the situation:

People claim that your wallet remains intact when you stay there. Whoa! But as a matter of fact, it is a moderately expensive city. It offers world’s most expensive potatoes. While it is the place of world’s 2nd cheapest preschools. According to an estimate 600 to 1000 USD per month is enough for you to survive in Seoul.


Rankings and comparison:

Let’s see what rankings have to say about Seoul:

  • It stands on 164th rank among 325 most expensive cities on the globe.
  • It has secured 4th place in 26 most expensive cities of Asia.
  • It is less expensive than many cities in the world.
  • Cost of living in Seoul is 9% less expensive than that in Berlin.
  • It is 33% cheaper than Dublin.
  • Cost of living in Seoul will be 77% cheaper than that in Tokyo.
  • This city is 91% less expensive than New York! Unbelievable!


Rates of some basic things:

  • Food: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant is for just ₩8,000, a moderate payment. (Just for your reminder ₩1=$0.00084). A combo meal in a restaurant may cost upto ₩6,379. A 1.5-liter water bottle is available at ₩1,435.71.
  • Accommodation: ₩798,484.85 is monthly rent of a single bedroom apartment in city centre. Whereas outside city centre it cuts down to ₩540,740.74.
  • Utilities: You have to pay a monthly bill of around ₩189,842.07 for all basic utilities including heating, cooling, electricity, water and garbage etc.
  • Transport: A local transport would provide you a one-way ticket for ₩1,250. While you can avail a monthly pass at about ₩55,000.
  • Healthcare: Good news is that basic healthcare is free!!! However an appointment with a private doctor may charge upto ₩31,551. A box of antibiotics is for ₩6,137.


Phew! I hope the mystery is solved.