A Reason of This Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a method of 1 federal qualifications that helps pupils to plan their own learning and careers.


AQF qualifications permit both national and global students to begin at the level that suits them and build up their credentials because their wants and interests grow and change over time.

The AQF is significant as it’s

Gives a very clear structure for your degree of every qualification
makes it possible for pupils to construct their credentials from lower to high degrees
enables one education establishment to clearly comprehend the degree of a qualification granted by a different and offer proper charge
decides the student visa subclass a student receives if they research at Australia
is supported by all Australian governments throughout the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) and is recognised about Australia and from other nations
The credentials are grouped in line with the educational industry where they are most frequently issued. To observe the table see: http://www.acacia-au.com/aqf.php.
A qualification normally provided in 1 sector may at times be supplied by an institution at another industry eg. Faculties’ may provide a Certificate III class inside their senior college curriculum; some Colleges may provide a Diploma; and also a few Vocational Colleges can offer Bachelor Degrees.

Some classes don’t award an official qualification as recorded on the AQF table even though they give excellent instruction and results. As an instance:


Report Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3165823