What makes universities attractive for abroad study: top 3 factors

It is not easy to leave your homeland and live in the environment that is totally different from that of yours.


On my part, I even find it difficult to move from one city to another for the sake of education.

Despite students in number of millions move from their own country to a foreign land to complete their studies.


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So what is that attracts such a huge number of students? Is just quality education enough to make students leave their family? No, it is not that simple. Students see many things before leaving their comfort zone. So let’s see What makes universities attractive for abroad study?

# 01. Ranking:

Name is everything you know. When a student wants to study abroad, he/she makes sure that it is top university. Obviously it is integral part of human nature that we want exposure. This is the reason why they prefer highly ranked universities. World’s top universities always receive full coverage, that’s how their students start to gain name. Moreover, they expect wow type responses from their friends, neighbours and relatives. This very thing encourages them to make up their mind for abroad study.

# 02. Location:

Ideal location is a key factor for an attractive university. People always want to see famous cities and areas. If a university is situated in London or New York, its worth increases automatically. This is the reason why universities in famous cities have a flood of international students.

# 03. Places and people:

Well this thing is another word for location. What is the reason behind an ideal location? Yes, these are names of some famous places and personalities that have magnetic fields around them. We are more inclined to the locations that have places like Westminster Abbey, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, and personalities like Socrates and Prince Charles etc. Right? So this name and fame attached with location of the universities compels students to make them their final study destination.

Besides high standard lifestyle, historical and cultural hues also make students spell bound.