Study Teaching at Birmingham University, England: Apply Now

Study Teaching at Birmingham University in England.


Develop expertise of a professional teacher and get the competence to teach students with a professional teaching approach and learning different teaching techniques, depending on the class that you are looking after.

By the end of this course, you are guaranteed to develop the skills somewhat parallel to legendary school/college/university teachers.

Study Teaching abroad in England, and become the best and most respected teacher of your school!

Why Study Teaching?

“Sharing your knowledge and experience to the young generation, in a way that enables them to learn, enjoy and become highly successful in future – is a precious ability that is in high demand everywhere throughout the world.”

Unfortunately, what lacks in most of today’s teachers – are those special teaching skills that help shape a student’s future and mold him into a successful and respected member of the community.

What today’s teachers need to understand is that teaching is a big job. It’s not just like simply passing your knowledge to students. Instead, you must have the ability to assess a student’s weakness and then strengthen your students so that they are set on the path to success. Legendary teachers are remembered for ages, and by taking this study course at Birmingham University – you can enlist yourself in those legendary teachers.

Studying Teaching at Birmingham University in England: What To Expect?

This is a 12-month study abroad course offered by Birmingham University in England. If you have decided to choose “teaching” as your future career, then you are highly encouraged to take this study abroad course.

The completion of this course will grant you a certificate of QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) – which will not only deliver you the expertise of a legendary teacher but also help you land a high paying teaching job in any advanced European country such as the UK/US/Canada.

During your degree, you will pick up a lot of important skills that will be useful throughout your teaching. You will develop skills to maintain a strong relationship with your students and their parents. The course shares in-depth teaching guide, on how you as a teacher should share your knowledge in a way that is properly comprehended by your class students and how you can bring a positive effect on your class students.

The course outline:

● Student psychology
● Education and values
● Equality and diversity in the classroom
● Meeting your class students’ needs
● Maintaining cordial relations with students
● Coping with changing behaviors

If you aspire to become a teacher, you should apply for this study abroad course in England. It is the most direct route into teaching, as well as the easy route to land a well-paying job in the teaching department.