Studying in South Asia: The Biggest Advantages for International Students

If you are thinking about studying abroad in South Asia but at the same time confused in which South Asian country to study abroad, this post has got you covered.


Here we have shared a total guide for international students with respect to “studying abroad in South Asia” – a guide which will give you an in-depth understanding of getting your advanced education abroad in Asia.

Best South Asian Countries To Complete Your Higher Studies:

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Turkey
  • India
  • Indonesia


Benefits of Studying In South Asia

1). Quality Education at an Affordable Price. With regards to getting your education abroad, the principal factor that comes into play is the education cost. While European colleges charge around $30k to $50k per semester… the South Asian colleges are practically 70% less expensive in costs, making it essentially easy for students to get their advanced education at a less expensive cost.


2). Luxury Lifestyle at Cheap Price. Aside from getting an education at lower costs, another significant advantage of studying abroad in South Asia is the luxury lifestyle at an affordable spending plan. You can easily rent a beautiful home or apartment in a modern town, get good food, get appropriate medicinal and satisfy all your life needs without going substantial on your spending limit.


3). Friendly People and Hospitable Environment. South Asians are friendly people who welcome foreign students wholeheartedly. As an international student, you will truly appreciate the friendliness of individuals and how they shower love and regard. The dynamic and friendly way of life in Asia will make you feel honored with a home-like experience.


4). Make Life-Long friends. South Asians are so great at friendships. As a foreigner, you are ensured to develop strong relationship bonds with the local Asian students and professors. They will be there for you through various challenges, and it will be something like a blood-relationship with them.


5). Explore New Horizons. South Asian countries are developing at a quick pace – which means loads of new chances, new business ideas, and startup opportunities in Asia. Right after graduation, you can easily secure your position into the not-so-competitive space and build your next multi-million business in Asia!