5 Best Study Abroad Countries In South Asia

Searching for an ideal study abroad program in South Asia? Why not explore some top-level study abroad options in some of the best South Asian countries and get the most supreme quality education at low cost? With the vast majority of students favoring Europe as their study abroad goals, South Asia is somewhat underestimated!


What numerous students don’t know that South Asia also gives some incredible study abroad option for global students and that each legendary leader with billion-dollar business doesn’t only originate from Oxford or Harvard…

a dominant part of them have graduated from top Asian Universities also – take the example of Neil Patel (Digital Marketer), Sundar Pichai (Google’s CEO), Mudassir Sheikh (CEO of Careem).

If you are tight on your spending limit and as yet searching for a top-quality education in your favored subject, at that point, South Asia should be on your hit-list. Aside from the top tier training, the living expenditures in Asian nations are 70% lower than European nations, along these lines help you SAVE BIG and getting a globally perceived degree at reasonable education cost.


With our detailed inspection, we have arranged a rundown of best study abroad countries in South Asia. This guide will help you in picking the ideal Asian country to proceed with your higher examinations and excel in your field.


1). China


With regards to studying abroad in Asia, China beats the graph. With trillions of dollars invested in the education department, China should be your first priority when studying abroad in South Asia. The colleges here are very efficient, while the qualified staff turns every possibility of giving the best quality training to the students.


2). India


India offers plenty of energizing study abroad opportunities for worldwide students. The nation and it’s local are entirely cordial towards universal students – giving you the most extreme respect and care as foreign visitors. The schools and colleges here are very technologically-advanced, combing both the greatness of qualified staff and present-day innovation. While studying in India is a rich experience, the region is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. As an understudy, you will truly appreciate studying in India.


3). Pakistan


Pakistan, a beautiful nation with magnificent landmarks and top Universities – like LUMS, FC College, Lyceum University, and Namal College – is also among the best study abroad destination in South Asia. What gives Pakistan that attraction factor isn’t just its excellent quality of education, but also the modest cost at which the advanced level education is offered. The institutes here have qualified instructors, who offer education to students as well as transform them into future pioneers.


4). Malaysia


Searching for a South Asian country that is home to the best schools and colleges? Malaysia heartily invites universal students in the lavish way of life and A-class training institutes. The country is rapidly transforming into a top destination for studying abroad, picking up notoriety among the majority, and has invested trillions of dollars to end up being so. There is a remarkable mix of Asian culture here, low crime rate, modern urban communities, and affordable colleges.


5). Sri Lanka


After the Sri Lankan government has invested in the education department, Sri Lanka has picked up its spot among the best study abroad destination in South Asia. With so much improvement being accounted for in this small beautiful nation, the colleges have patched up to the international standards of excellence Aside from giving best quality education, Sri Lanka is known for its dynamic culture, history, and beautiful coasts.