How to find and apply for internships abroad?

Internships are good opportunities to enhance your skills. It also helps with learning things easily. Internships expand your academic learning as well. They also develop professionalism in your personality. Secondly, it adds up in your cv as well. Most of the organizations’ lookup for experienced employees, if you have done an internship before you must have so you can easily get many opportunities.


Apply for internships abroad in your relevant field, this will help you more. You get the chance to flourish your abilities and skills. You also get a chance to meet new people and their cultures. Applying and doing an internship must be tiring and hectic but it is a great experience.

  • Tips for finding internships abroad:

Before finding internship

    You must make up a resume. Add up all your academic and personal information. Add all the skills you are aware of.

    Search for internships on LinkedIn or other web pages

    You can also look for companies offering internships.

    You can call or email international asking if they offer internships.

    You can seek help from your university or professors.

  • Applying for internships abroad:

If you find any company or institute offering internships you should email or send your resume along with a cover letter to the specific department. In cover letter mention why you are the best candidate for them. Why they should hire you. Also, mention your experience if any.

  • Interviewing for abroad internships:

After sending your documents, the resource company will email or call if you are selected. Abroad internships interviews are mostly online i.e. Skype interviews. Be very honest in your interview. Explain your aims and future goals. Tell them about your interests. The key point for a successful interview is to keep confident and honest.

  • Paid and unpaid internships:

There are few companies only that offer paid internships. But most of the companies offer unpaid internships. If you are not able to pay the expenses abroad, you should tell the company they will help you. But whether its paid or unpaid what matters is the experience.