Why Study In The UK – Work Opportunities In UK

Currently, the competition in the job market is tougher than ever before. To be able to survive you must be equipped with top-level skills. What’s the best way of achieving this, except attending a top quality education?  And what’s better than being able to cover all higher tuitions and other living expenses these places carry along entirely on your own? Knowing the financial struggles foreign students usually face abroad, this is why studying in the UK should be your top option.


If you want to seek an excellent higher education at the smallest price or dream of free education, you’re actually far from reality. In modern times, one without the other is pretty impossible. Indeed, the UK is a particular example of this.

No matter which university you choose to study in the UK it will cost you quite a lot. But there’s no need to worry. The good news is that, by contrast to the most popular study destinations, in the UK you’re allowed to work while studying. During the regular academic year, you’re permitted to work part-time up to 20 hours per week.

When the academic year is over you can seek a full-time job. Apparently, you’ll be able to cover all tuition fees and living expenses entirely on our own. At the same time, working during your studies will give you a real independence feeling so you will learn to lean on your own self. Even better, if you show a higher level of commitment and results during your studies you can receive many offers from employers and eventually remain in the UK after university is over. However, there are certain conditions you need to fulfill to achieve this opportunity.

Firstly, you must have an offer from an employer. A British degree can extra boost your employability and help you to get a visa for staying after you finish university. Second, your eligibility for such visa may be conditioned by a certain minimum salary. Years after you can switch your visa to become a permanent British citizen. Again a certain minimum limit of your salary may be required, for example, £35,000 per year. You wouldn’t be the first and the last one to have this destiny because many have had this luck. Knowing this will help you remove any doubt you may have to study in the UK.

Financial Benefits

British Universities Are Affordable, No Matter Which You Choose

UK degrees take less time to attain than degrees in other countries. Where other countries take at least four years for an undergraduate degree and two or three years for a postgraduate degree; in the UK only takes three years for an undergraduate degree, and one year for a postgraduate (unless you are in research, then it may take 18 months to 2 years). That means that you are spending less money overall.

On top of that, there is a lot of “free money” (scholarships, grants, and bursaries) available from British universities or certain institutions that are just for international students. Over 20,000 international students also get other financial aid from the UK government, and you can work while you’re studying in the UK as well.

The Cost of Living Is Reasonable

If you were asked about your top reasons for living and studying in the UK, you would probably mention the cost of living. We discuss the cost of living in another article, but as you will be able to see, it’s fairly reasonable to live in England. Obviously, it will cost a bit more if you live in a city like London, but in general, costs are reasonable. You’ll want to do research before you come, though, in order to learn more about the cost of living in your particular area.

The cost of living also includes health care, and in the UK, that’s not much of a worry at all. The UK is one of the countries which has an institutionalized, national health care system, which will reduce your overall health care costs. In another one of our articles, we explore the National Health Service (NHS) and how that can help you stay healthy during the time you study in the UK.

Other Benefits

The UK Has a Unique Culture

The UK is quite a unique country. Thousands of families from around the world have decided to live in the UK, which gives it a rich, multicultural atmosphere that you cannot find anywhere else in the world.

Every year, over 200,000 international students decide to study only in England, while the number of them choosing to study in the UK is even bigger. In the UK you’ll encounter a diverse community. You’ll get to mix and meet people throughout the world, and your experience will be even richer because of being able to interact with so many different types of people. You’ll get insights into other countries and cultures, and learn a lot more than you may have been able to in your home country.

The UK isn’t just unique because of its cosmopolitan flair, though. The UK holds a rich, interesting history that makes it an ideal place for people of all backgrounds. Commerce is also immense in cities like London. The nightlife is varied all over the country, and there is always something to do. Art galleries, concerts, open-air markets, and pubs are popular places for the English to congregate and enjoy themselves.

If you decide to study in UK, you will never be bored, there is always something new to do, and there are always new people to meet.

via: StudyInUK