Why Will You BUY A Home?

Although, we consider, owning a home, of one’s own, to be a major component of the so – called, American Dream, few consider, why it is, and whether, it is relevant, to their personal dreams, needs, and best –


interests! Before anyone should begin the process, the first thing, to do, should be, to realistically, consider, their personal reasons, and why, they want to BUY a house.

This should be a realistic, thorough, process, which includes, many relevant factors, including, but not limited to, their personal needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, financial capabilities, family issues, employment factors, transportation considerations, safety, schools, and how, one house, might benefit them, to a greater degree than others.

With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.


  1. Best; better; benefits; beliefs; bringing: Where we live, often, depends, on what, it seems to be, bringing, to us! Our personal beliefs, are a significant factor, and, thus, we must consider, if living somewhere, might make our existence, better, and happier/ more satisfying! Isn’t the goal, of most of us, to do, whatever, we can, to become, the best, we can possibly become? The essential combination of thoroughly considering our true needs, and the best way, to address them, must be one of the keys, to whether, we should buy, a home, of our own! Never forget to realistically, consider, factors, such as affordability, self – image, schools. safety, and whatever, your personal priorities and perceptions, might be!
  2. Useful; unique; uses; urge; usual/ unusual: Buying a home, must serve, both, your usual, as well as unusual, needs, goals, and priorities! What urges, might, doing so, address, and meet? When considering, one potential house, versus another, what unique characteristics, and/ or attributes, are most important to you, and why? How will you use/ utilize your home, and why will doing so, be helpful, meaningful, and useful?
  3. You; your: How will a home, of your dreams, meet, and/ or, exceed, your personal needs, and expectations? How will you make, your residence, your own? Why will doing so, benefit you, in a realistic, viable, relevant manner? Before making any decision, it’s important to seriously consider, how. your dream house, might make your life, more self – satisfying, and happier?

Before making the decision, and commitment, to BUY, a home, of your own, will you consider, your personal reasons, and why, you believe, it’s a good decision, for you! Are you up to the task, of doing so?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10038326