Cheap Airfare Tips – When Is the Best Time to Start Looking for Affordable Flights?

People have always asked questions like “How can I obtain cheap airfare?” and “When is the cheapest time to fly?” The answers to such questions depend on a variety of factors including the location, tourism trends, price fluctuations, weather, season, and so forth. The more flexibility you have, the easier it will be to find a good deal. If an emergency situation arises and you have to get on a plane within the next couple of days, you’ll have to keep your fingers crossed and hope that you can get an affordable, last-minute deal.

You can also check and see if there are any discounts or promo codes that can be used on travel sites. There might be something available right now to help bring down the cost of travel related expenses. If you can’t be flexible with the timing then perhaps you can be flexible with the airport. Even though it may take longer to get to your destination, you might be able to save if you fly to an alternative airport and then take the bus or train the rest of the way.

A lot of experts claim that the “Prime Booking Window” for purchasing airfare is between 3 weeks to 4 months in advance. It’s during this period of time that the fares are often the lowest.

As mentioned above, seasons also affect the price of airfare. If you are aiming for a summer vacation, the best time to hunt for cheap airfare is 1.5 months in advance. The earlier in summer you book, the better the chances of getting a good deal. Fall is usually “shoulder season” for most popular destinations so you should be able to find reasonably priced tickets during this time period, with the exception of Thanksgiving week in the US.

Cheap Airfare Tips for the Holidays

While the holiday season in late December / early January can be costly times to travel, winter for the most part has cheap airfare. The Prime Booking Window is 21 days to 100 days in advance. Spring flights can be a bit tricky since it’s such a popular month for travel. The temperature is just right for both beach climates and mountain getaways. Plus, it’s spring break for tons of high school and college kids. It’s recommended that you book exactly 90 days from the travel date.

There is always the potential that something unexpected might disrupt your plans such as personal emergencies, severe weather, etc. So whenever you purchase cheap airfare, make sure you understand the cancelation policy.

Travel websites are the safest and best place to search for and compare cheap airfare rates, no matter where and when you plan to go on your trip, and regardless of whether you’re traveling for business or fun. It’s always a good idea to review online promo code offers and coupons as well.

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