Crude Oil crash impact on Bitcoin(BTC) Future

The golden weak for Bitcoin(BTC) is on going while futher more expected in next three weeks. The next Bitcoin(BTC) halving is only three weeks ahead the price surge from 6700 $ to 7500% in a week.


Changpeng Zhao predict that the US economy hit by pandemic COVID-19 will easing measures to stabilize the ecnomy in this case Bitcoin(BTC) price will rise further.

Bitcoin will rise.“Mathematics works, he told BlockDown 2020, a two-day virtual conference. “If you increase supply of the fiat currency and Bitcoin is a limited asset, mathematics will eventually work.”The Bitcoin(BTC) ATM machines provider Digintalmint and LibertyX increasing their ATM machines worldwide, its good sign that Bitcoin(BTC) price will jump in future. As the crypto worth is look more than than oil, as crude oil first time in history goes negative.

Anyone lost their money into crypto should be happy as recovery time is coming due to Bitcoin(BTC) Halving.

Due to COVID-19 world will follow more digital currency instead of paper money, e.g China working on their own blockchain technology that will push people to use more digital currency. A court In the US, a federal judge has issued warrants for the arrest of David Schmidt and Robert Dunlap former republican senators in Washigton DC, they have allegations to sold Meta 1 tokens that were backed by 1$ billion USD and 2$ of Gold.

The facebook crypto Libra expecting from government more lenient about their blockchain project. The authorities examine Libra white paper before giving them permission to fully functional.But more than two members of board not impressed by Libra white paper.Rather than United state Facebook expecting bullish for Libra in the world and team of 5000 employee already working on project.Japanese biggest advertisement company working to use blockchain to reward poeple to report about copyrights. Malaysian police arrest four chinese men in a alleged of Bitcoin(BTC) Scam. A good news around the market that aerospace parts ready to use blockchain with collaboration of Enterprise blockchain.

A recent survey result found that Fifteen percent of digital spending goes on clothes and 14 percent is spent on food. Uplandme, Inc. matched that spend to donate $2,500 to the NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund.Malaysian police arrest four chinese men in a alleged of Bitcoin(BTC) Scam.A good news around the market that aerospace parts ready to use blockchain with collaboration of Enterprise blockchain.A recent survey result found that Fifteen percent of digital spending goes on clothes and 14 percent is spent on food. Uplandme, Inc. matched that spend to donate $2,500 to the NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund.