Thursday, December 23rd, 2021

Turn upward in the sky Monday on the longest day of the year and appreciate a lunar occurrence

June 20, the longest day of 2016, happens on a Monday, which beginning now feels like the longest day of the week. There’s an additional remarkable galactic event to oblige the midyear solstice for the Northern Hemisphere this year. We’re also getting a strawberry moon.

The name “strawberry moon” may lead you to imagine a shining red prophetically disastrous plate in the night sky, yet NASA says it’s really named for strawberry-picking season and is once in a while known as a “rose moon” in Europe. This is the headliner when we’ve had a full moon on the June solstice since course in 1967, so that ought to add some additional vitality to your druidic festivities.

We see the moon evading on each crisp night, however our lunar accomplice is still an object of interest. Prior this year, talk about a green moon spread around the web, regardless it was absolutely verbose. Astrophotographies are turning out some staggering photographs of our trademark satellite, including this shot of the ISS before a full moon. Monday’s strawberry moon could be an enchanting photograph operation for space fans wanting to stamp the excellent event.


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